Monday, September 29, 2008

Morning is the best time...................................

Watching the early morning sun weave its way across the sky is a bewitching time of me, the wonder of the dawn with the flowers covered in dew which twinkle as the sun dances across them appearing as if there are millions of diamonds fastened to their petals take me to another world of magic and mystery, I loose myself in the now as I meander around my garden completely aware of the miracle that is before me, the amazing enchantment of nature..................................

Double Standards...........

I am an animal lover, in fact I adore all animals, and because of this deep intrinsic love for them I do not eat them, drink their milk or eat their eggs as to do so would make me a hypocrite. I have been called a fanatic, weird, obsessed and plenty of other things to, I have been attacked on many occasions by people who for some bizarre reason feel that because I do not eat meat threatens them in some way, they have to tell me in no uncertain terms that 'they cannot live without their meat' actually they can! They would survive just fine. I cannot see why anyone who calls themselves an 'animal lover' could eat the flesh of an animal or is it that they simply prefer some animals more than others? I had a conversation the other day where the person I was with was telling me how much they love animals at the same time they were stuffing the body of a murdered animal into their mouth, yes I could see how much animals meant to them!

All farm animals are treated in barbaric and horrific ways to feed the greedy millions who are addicted to their flesh, milk and eggs, no one that eats these products really cares about how these precious creatures are treated as long as they can sink their teeth into their next piece of steak.

How would you feel having to line up and watch in terror as those in front of you are slaughtered in cold blood right before your eyes, you stand there trembling knowing that every second it is getting closer to your death. If you are capable of eating the meat of these animals then you ought to be able to kill it for yourself, see the fear and feel the terror as you take the life of a gentle innocent animal so you can stuff your face with the flesh of another living being. Most meat eaters will not listen to the acts surrounding where their dinner comes from, it is usually a case of out of sight out of mind, which to me is diabolical, if you are going to survive on the bodies of others you ought to know what they have to go through so you can have you daily fix, but how many would do that? What about raising and killing your own meat? I have asked this question to many people and the answer is normally the same, I could not eat it if I had to kill it, or that they could not kill anything, then how is it then alright to eat something someone else has killed for you, as I said double standards.

What the meat eating public like to shield themselves from is that all the animals that they eat have feelings, that they love and that they have deep and loving relationships when left to live in their natural habitat without the bloodthirsty humans controlling their lives to feed their ever increasing waistlines. Chickens make fabulous pets, they love to sit on your lap and to scratch around the garden looking for worms, they will run to greet their owners just like a dog, oh but wait they are not as cute, can't catch a ball, why would you want a chicken as a pet? They are much better on a plate, after of course being kept in a cage that in most case they cannot even turn around, having their beak cut off, force fed growth hormones which of course sees them become crippled with arthritis, have no feathers, can't walk and never see the sun, you can use your imagination on how the rest of the animals are mistreated.

I cannot for one second understand how any educated person can allow this to continue let alone eat the end results of these tortured beings..................

Friday, September 26, 2008

The Last Frog.......................

The nursery where I work a few hours a day is currently in the process of relocating to another site which means that all the locals are having to find new homes! Today I was moving the final plants ready for the earth moving machinery to come in, it is for me a sad time, a once thriving home for insects, frogs, reptiles, rabbits and of course many, many birds has become a desolate barren desert, the once ambient atmosphere has been replaced by nearly complete silence, there are a few magpies and mudlarks that follow me around as I loaded my trailer grabbing worms and wood lice for their growing chicks. I was all to aware that it had been a very long time since I had sighted any rabbits, lizards or frogs, when all of a sudden a perfect tiny tree frog was sitting right before my eyes, I picked him up telling him how precious he was then I moved him somewhere safe, my plan was to bring him home so that he could make his home in my garden, his hiding places as well as his family long gone, this little frog was the lone survivor. Alas though this was not to be, as much as I attempted to keep my eye on him he slipped from my view and no amount of searching drew me to his location, in hindsight perhaps the journey to a new home was not a good idea, I just trust the he is safe and manages to enjoy the remainder of his froggy days.........................
We often take the simple things in life for granted thinking that we have all the time in the world with the people we hold dear in our heart, yet without a moments notice circumstances can be changed in an instant, your life never the same again.
Always make the most of the moments with the special people in your life, end your conversations with love, end family disharmony and release grudges that you hold as one never knows when your last moment will be with these people.
Treat each encounter with all those you love as if it may be your last and the dynamics of your relationships will be enhanced as you will truly be living from your heart................................

Saturday, September 20, 2008

A WOW moment....................................

Exquisite Crows..........

Anyone who knows me well understands my total love of all animals and they will also know that of all the birds that crows are my favourites. My family of crows that come to feed daily at my home never cease to amaze me with their antics and their open love of each other, something that the human race could benefit from learning! Although I watch them wherever I am, these photos were taken at a local park a few days ago, as always a quiet walk turns into not only a photo session of local animals but also an opportunity for me to loose myself in observing the intimate life of many remarkable creatures. From the wonderment I feel to watching them soar overhead................... To personal moments shared high in the branches.......................... Graceful dances high in the sky..............................
To family encounters where the love and devotion is clearly visible to those open enough to really see what family bonds these exquisite birds truly have.................

Thursday, September 18, 2008

A Day at the Beach..................................

A day at the beach is not complete without seagulls...................................... Taking the time to have a drink of salty sea water........................................... Pondering where to fly to next................................................................ Sitting watching the waves gently breaking on the shore is always a relaxing way for me to spend my time, the soothing sounds of water broken occasionally by the lone cry of a passing gull, my idea of heaven.........................
How do people react to you?
Do they treat you with respect?
How do you treat yourself?
With respect, love?
How we think of and treat our Self is reflected in the way others see and treat us, we get what we give out. It is all based on the law of attraction, what you focus upon the most you receive back!
Having encountered a rather upsetting situation at a friends place recently where one person was openly ignoring another I realised how gravely many of us treat ourselves, we then launch a full scale attack on someone else because you can see the part of your Self that requires attention reflected right back at you. You call that person names, say that they are this or that, anything but acknowledge that part of you that they remind you of and requires some soul work. When you find yourself in situations that keep repeating themselves, like you are on a merry-go-round and can't get off, then you ought to ask your Self 'what am I missing here? Why do encounter this negativity and conflict time after time?'
The more I progress on my own path I know it is vital for me to be in the company of people who are of the same vibration and people of the same mind-set. I do not gravitate towards people who are still lost in the 'real' world, where they cannot see past the illusion of 'life' waiting for someone else to fix their issues, thinking that all they read and see on the news is all that is worth worrying about, that there is nothing they can do to change their life, or the situation they find themselves in. It is of course ALL up to them, the power lies within their own heart, and it is their decision to either change or to continue to live a life of misery, lack or loneliness. We are all an aspect of the Divine, God, the Universe (which ever terms sits well with you) therefore we are only hurting another aspect of our Self by treating others in a nasty or negative way, you do not have to verbally abuse someone or ignore them in order to make some sort of point, it is far wiser to simply be polite and to socialize with others more on your wavelength. If you find that you are continually drawing conflict to your self what is it that you may require to change? Perhaps standing in your own power and speaking your truth may see these situations ending, any words spoken with love and from the heart cannot harm another. Other people cannot make you feel powerless and inferior, you do that yourself by not standing in your truth.
At the end of the day we are All One, all connected by the Light and Love of this amazing Universe which pulsates through us all every second of our life bringing with it peace, harmony and love it only we allow this to be so...........................

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Late yesterday afternoon I saw this rainbow when there was not as much as a droplet of rain in sight, as always the sight of a rainbow fills my soul with glee, I feel myself overflowing with love as I gazed heavenward captivated in the essence of the moment. I often wonder how many people actually take notice of what happens around them as they go about their daily business, I commented a few weeks ago whilst in a shop about a fantastic sunset, 'wow look at that' I said full of awe and inspiration at such a magnificent sight, everyone in the shop ran to the door and gazed about the car park looking for the source of my elation, and when I told them it was the setting sun that had caught my attention they all went back to what they were doing before, no one saw what I did, no one could see the light illuminating all that it touched with pure love, pulsating its essence into all that it comes into contact with, only I saw the moment for what it was.
All it takes is a moment to see what is really around you, all life is a miracle and I take none of it for granted, I see what surrounds me, I hear what surrounds me, I stop to smell flowers, to touch trees, to stroke animals and to take to the birds as they fly overhead, I even cross the road to avoid treading on ants, as I know that they are apart of me as is the rainbow hovering high overhead, god is everything and everything is me.................................................

Sunday, September 07, 2008


To experience within yourself, unconditional loving, loving that which you are as you exist in this third dimensional reality at this moment in time will create a resonance within your being that once living the Light that you are, will attract to you the identical essence within the the opposite body of soul energy. However a twin soul or soulmate when experienced within an enlightened awareness is not one other person, yet all of this wondrous world we live in, man and animals alike. As I have expanded my awareness to merge with those of a like frequency around me, I am able to comprehend on a deeper level all that surrounds me is ME, that I AM all, even those whose frequency is not of the same vibrations as my own, I see beyond this. I understand that all those who share my personal journey are not to awaken in this incarnation, it is not their time, those that are coming into my physical reality who do resonate along side me, who are here to assist in my continued voyage to Oneness are given to me at this time to enhance my growth, to move to the next level.

I am now entirely focused upon my journey, working more with the sounds and energy that will lift me from the denseness that entwines those around me who sleepwalk their way through life, by lifting my frequency I am of greater service to those who walk beside me, knowing that my Light will enhance their story even though it is not their time to awake. It does not matter whether or not people understand or share my views, they are where they are required to be, therefore all is perfect, all is as it should be.......................